What you’re about to do can make a difference 

for people affected by cancer around the world and Malaysian families nationwide


Due to a lack of treatment centres nationwide, they are forced to travel far from their home to Kuala Lumpur and spend days or weeks to provide care and have their children get treatment, causing “Accommodation problems and further financial stress”.  

Many Malaysian families go through hardship when cancer hits, more than you could ever imagine. Not only child patients are in need of support, but also the families “the lifeline of the patients” who push through stressful and difficult times to provide care for their loved ones.


NCSM provides FREE accommodation – Children’s Home of Hope – for child patients from outside Kuala Lumpur while they undergo treatment. Here’s the real story of Clare, a mother of 9-month-old Micah with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma.

“I cried when I first found out, but I immediately accepted it,” says Clare. “I told myself that this might be one of the challenges in my life and it will help me discover how strong I am.” Micah first received his treatment in Sabah, but the family still had to travel to Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) for further screening, as these services weren’t available in Sabah. A search for places to stay led them to Children’s Home of Hope. Clare said “At the Home, it feels like heaven for me and my child.” 

Today, Micah is currently undergoing chemotherapy and Clare’s hope is that her son will one day be cancer-free. 

Like Clare, Rokayah is a mother of Nuraliya (11) fighting against brain cancer that causes loss of sights said “Having a child with cancer put the family through some hard times, and I’m glad that we have a home to stay, but also some financial help from the Society”.

Today, over 1,500 children patients have already stayed in the Home – together with their caregivers.  



1 in 4 Malaysians including children are at risk of developing cancer throughout their lifetime. Malaysian cancer patients need us – more than ever. NSCM needs RM 5,500,000 in funds and we believe in delivering “Holistic impacts” across Malaysia and the world. With your help, this means:

  • EDUCATION – More than 200 talk, booths, events and programs to raise awareness & intervene
  • CARE – 65% success rate of smokers who quit through quit smoking programs through affordable & advanced screening and diagnostic facilities
  • SUPPORT – 26,280 number of people we have reached out to within 3 years to support those affected psychosocially
With your generosity, this can help contribute impacts nearly 400,000 Malaysians each year through Education, Care, and Support.

With only RM 2.5 a day,

you CAN make a difference in the cancer patients’ lives.


Together, we can achieve even more each year!


“Can help child cancer patients in Malaysia to fight through education, care and support services, 5 times more impacts than ever.”

Clare and 9-month-old Micah fight against cancer at Children’s Home of Hope.
Children’s Home of Hope - Free accommodation for child patients - with their caregivers
Nurilaya (11) and her mother are fighting against brain cancer
65% success rate of smokers who quit through NCSM programs
Help NCSM impact over 400,000 Malaysians through Education, Care, and Support

The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM), is the first not-for-profit cancer organisation since 1966 in Malaysia that provides education, care and support services for people affected by cancer and the general public – with holistic cancer–related services to cancer patients, caregivers and the public. Today, our operations are nationwide in Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, Perak and Sarawak.

NSCM is a registered tax deductible charity body, financed entirely by contributions and donations from the public. None of this is possible without your help.

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